Times I wish I had a specialist coach: China

Picture this. You are standing in front of 250 people and have just delivered a speech about the company's future under new ownership. The future is bright and exciting! Then, the first question you get is ¨what will happen with the canteen allowance¨? It happened to me in March 2015 in China, and I didn't know how to answer it.

This is the first experience I would like to share in my series ¨times I wish I had a specialist coach¨.

DSM had just acquired the company, which ~ had 1,700 employees and was located 200km from Shanghai. As VP of Strategy & Acquisitions Asia, I was part of the acquisition team and was now appointed VP of Integration.

I felt it was an immense responsibility, not least because of the cultural differences and strategic importance but also because of the large number of employees. I prepared as much as possible and learned a lot from previous integration directors along the way.

However, on this particular occasion, I stumbled. I found myself in a situation where I had to be rescued by the company's GM. Looking back, I realized that I had viewed the speech solely from my own perspective. I had focused on what I believed to be important: strategy, synergies, and long-term benefits. I had failed to see it from the viewpoint of a manager or worker who was more concerned about the immediate future and, indeed, their lunch.

Throughout the integration project, I was fortunate to have the support of many brilliant colleagues. However, I couldn't help but wish I had a specialist coach - someone who could have provided deeper insights and perspectives, not just for my personal growth but also for the benefit of the organisation and the integration process. With their guidance, I might have felt less overwhelmed, less lonely, and achieved a better work-life balance (yes, my kids still remember this period in my life: the weekend dad).

My mission in coaching is to support you through such corporate transformations. I will be by your side throughout the process, preventing my pitfalls and setting you up for success and personal growth.

What to learn more? Book a free consultation

PS: I look back at the experience with satisfaction. I learned new skills, experienced significant personal and professional growth, got to know China better, and made new connections and friends. It was a unique experience!


The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse


Mindwise: how we understand what others Think, Believe, Feel and Want