What is the difference in success between a corporation with executive coaching and one without?

Many mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and integrations have gone wrong due to a lack of leadership. However, the soft skills of those leading the transformation could have made the difference. Think empathy, communication, informal leadership and the ability to create trust. These are essential to fostering resilience, support, and collaboration during high-pressure situations.

I’ve been directly involved in more than 30 corporate transformations over the past 30 years, and now I want to coach others through the process—not just to help them survive but to thrive. I will create a space where leaders can reflect, learn and grow with the support of my specialist coaching.

My adventures in M&A and integrations span across the world, from public takeovers in the Netherlands to joint ventures in China! There were many moments where specialist coaching may have improved the project's outcome and my ability to deal with challenges and pressures. I faced multiple challenges while executing complex projects, often feeling overwhelmed or ill-equipped.

In my professional life, I have had some brilliant colleagues, bosses and mentors, all of whom have helped me to succeed along the way. But I never had an executive coach, and I wish I had. I am now eager to support others through specialist coaching.


Mindwise: how we understand what others Think, Believe, Feel and Want